Circular Thrift

scaling re-use of clothing through curbside pick-up, live swaps, and mobile retail.

I have been working with Circular Thrift since early 2023 to give value back to unwanted garments and textiles. The micro thrift business collects, sorts, swaps, sells and ultimatly sends us items to be redesigned and remade in micro batches and then resold back to their community all within 110 miles. Find out more about Circular Thrift’s mission and impact here.


  1. It takes just as much time, if not more, to develop upcycled styles.

  2. The sorting processes take time and are added steps.

  3. Cleaning and material repairs have to be considered.

  4. The labor costs are higher due to the front end of the process. This is, in theory, made up for by collecting the original items at little to no cost.


Upcycled Denim Totes


Deadstock Conference Totes - NCECA 2023